BMX race tracks

BMX track designer and installer


Après quelques décennies de passion farouche, de virages toujours plus relevés, le BMX continue de pousser fort depuis son passage à l’olympisme. De cette culture du saut et de la terre est née la première génération de champs de bosse dont Alex Dropsy fut l’un des fiers représentants. Avec Romain Melin, lui aussi pilote et shapeur des premières heures, l’entraîneur Mathieu Chaventre et l’ancien élite Pablo Gutierrez, ils forment ensemble le socle sur lequel s’appuie Htracks pour réaliser ses pistes de bmx. Ajoutez-y les retours de terrain de Jérémy Rencurel et du team Inspyre que nous avons le plaisir de soutenir et vous comprendrez d’où nous vient cette vision moderne et progressive de la race.


Thanks to the accumulated experience and the brains that combine, our designs offer sequences with millimeter precision and multiple possibilities. Each of the categories can thus train and evolve around different options. Our slopes like to offer obvious alternatives by favoring fast, original and spectacular passages like our pro sections and reverse jumps which also stimulate paying risk-taking.


Without external contributors, there is no risk of approximations but on the contrary the guarantee of a precise organization allowing a meticulous installation of the coating. We are progressing at a steady pace thanks to our method around a single interlocutor who optimizes efficiency, our works being carried out in two or three weeks depending on their size.


With our expertise in pump tracks, we have the ability to carry out in-house banked turns whose quality improves safety and racing comfort. Despite the challenge of shaping a wide radius and steep angles, our team of enthusiasts like to extend here the pride of the shaper. Because a banked turn is not a road, we take all the precautions to guarantee a perfect result, respectful of a curve with homogeneous grip; enough to open up all kinds of trajectories.

création piste bmx race htracks pour mairie

When shaping experience meets the ambition of radical berms


After more than ten years of involvement in the development of sports equipment and public works missions, our team masters the entire process surrounding the construction of a pump track: study, planning, earthworks, networks, roads, management rainwater but also landscaping and signage.


Aware of the lack of standardized products, we have imagined an innovative solution for starting ramps that can be made to measure. Whether it is a locker room or a meeting room, this functional volume fits elegantly into the heart of club life. Designed like a real building, our ramps make it possible to perfect the equipment with tranquility, at a displayed cost, controlled and adapted according to the needs (3, 5 or 8 meters high).: 5 meters for international challenge and 8 meters for international championship start, Olympic or supercross competitions.

Allowing everyone to discover the riding culture

Ready for a new start ?


The lines are drawn, the surroundings clean and the embankments dressed; the turns still shine from the freshly laid coating; a few signs and all that's left is to set up the starting grid to start the season. The track is thus delivered turnkey (fr : clé en main) meeting all the requirements necessary by the federation, the track smells new, the fun and the stimulation of high level bmx.

race piste bmx competition créateur france


Our modern considerations also apply very well to the particularities of bmx racing events. Accustomed for years to creating dirt lines in record time, and in not easy conditions, we are at ease with the excitement of creating for example an indoor track, as is the case in Avignon Indoor race where it is built in just six days.


Favoring smart and conscious purchases, we choose to use 90% recycled materials, 95% of which come from local quarries. Waste is sorted and managed according to strict rules in order to preserve the original space and participate in the collective effort aimed at a more responsible world. As such, our certified partner sends the contracting authority a detailed carbon footprint.


Redesign of lines, berms coated with our specialty or new bmx tracks, Hurricane Tracks is moving forward with great desire. Here is an overview of our recent creations spotted also on our map.
